Dear Readers,
als you are all interested in programming languages I would like to point your interest to this link which I was pointed at (lots of thanks to the source!):
It is from the blog of Bruce Tate we all know as one the Java Experts and his stunning books.
As far as I know he started an interesting project because he was also interested by the polyglot language area. As I heard he raised a vote about the topic and the languages about his next book! The vote together with his opinion lead to the following languages which I would like to comment on:
- Ruby -> my personal favourite. Perhaps not the coolest now but the expressiveness and the DSLability for me is outstanding.
- Io -> Possibly the newest and coolest because the vm / object approach looks interesting.
- Scala -> Good to have Javas crown prince in here because we all have to learn it.
- Erlang -> My multiprocessor king (even if it struggles with strings. argh). Especially hot in the #nosql database scene.
- Clojure -> I already posted about the great clojure. I really love it although its really hard to learn.
- Haskell -> Good that they / he included the right educational functional concept.
- Prolog -> This surprised me a little. But Bruce writes that he wants to stretch the readers. And I never thought this could go with a nearly 40 year old language.
So have a look on this book at It's is a definite buy for me even if it hasn't been written yet.