Tuesday, August 29, 2006

[Pub] State of the Art in Java Enterprise Web Application Development

With the rise of object-oriented thinking, frameworks became more popular than never before. A framework is an approach of software reuse and enables developers to establish software systems on an abstract layer. This diploma thesis focuses on the layered architecture where each layer has a predefined task which can be implemented together with a provided framework. This diploma thesis covers the following key points:

  • Introduction to Software Architecture
  • Relevant patterns for J2EE, like MVC, DAO, ORM, Lazy Load or Dependency Injection
  • Architecture of object oriented frameworks
  • Technologies: Hibernate, Spring, Spring Web Flow, Struts, JSF and OpenLaszlo
Special attention will be given to the integration possibilities among the described technologies in this thesis. Read more about the frameworks and their integration possibilities in my diploma thesis. The poster illustrates the 5-layered architecture with an associated technology.

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