Friday, September 07, 2007

[Event] Informatics-Week

From September 19 to September 28 the "Informatics-Week" takes places in Austria. This series of events is organised by the Austrian Computer Society. In this week a series of high-profile IT conferences are held in Austria, most prominent and from the Software Engineering point of view maybe the most important one is the Very Large Databases (VLDB) conference.

The informatics week additionally launches a set of events ("day of meda", "day of economy", "day of research" and so on), however a detailed program can be found here.

I am running a podcast that started reporting this week about the preparations of the events and gives insight into upcoming events. For SE people I will make also a coverage of VLDB with the support of the general chair of the VLDB Prof. Klas. The first VLDB coverage will be "on the (podcast) air" by next week.

So if you are interested, check out and subscribe to the Podcast. Or directly subscribe to this URL e.g. in iTunes (check the advanced / erweitert menu):

This is an enhanced Podcast (i.e., contains images and urls), if you are not experienced with listening to podcasts, please check out the brief description I made for the Best-Practice-Software-Engineering Podcast here (but of course use the URL above; unless you want to subscribe also to the SE podcast...).

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