Thursday, June 26, 2008

[Pub] Open Source ESBs for System Integration

For our German speaking audience: in the current iX magazin Markus and I discuss the expectations on an ESB and the current status quo in the Open Source arena particularly focussing on Mule and the trinity Apache ActiveMQ, Camel and ServiceMix. As an example we show a support-process and analyse how the process-execution can be supported by integration middleware.

Then we go into some details of what you could expect from an ESB (MOM, routing, filtering, message transformation, various endpoints, ...). I outline the Java Business Integration (JBI) standard which is in my opinion an important attempt in trying to define integration concepts and enterprise service components that can be exchanged between ESBs of different vendors.

In brief we also outline concepts of clustering and failover, mostly on the example of ActiveMQ using Broker Networks, failover protocols and the like. Finally we go into more details into the current status of ServiceMix and Camel and Mule. (But our avid blog-readers will know most of that already from various blog postings anyway).

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