Sunday, October 08, 2006

[Event] JAOO Conference Day 2

The Soul of a New Programming Language (Guy L. Steele Jr.)

Guy presents Fortress, the planned successor for Fortran and a language which is targeted to the scientific computation community. Fortress is much more convenient for mathematicians to express already existing algorithms and it will also encapsulate by its compiler (or VM) the parallelism of the execution in multi-core or multi-node computer systems. A lot of concepts come from Haskell and Scheme but it will also integrate a lot of features which also have worked for Java. It is planned for 2010, so only the spec is in progress these days, no interpreter is officially available.

Typical Pitfalls in Agile Development (Jutta Eckstein)

Jutta told the audience about a lot of problems she encountered as consultant on large agile teams and opens the track.

DSLs Best Practices illustrated with Eclipse Tools (Markus Völter)

Markus shows how well Model-Driven development could work if you are using sufficient tools on the modeling level and you do not make the mistake to modify generated code. On thing you always should do is to use the strength of model-model transformations. As example, if you build your domain model and finally you want to generate some DOA objects for already existing domain entities, you have sometimes to enrich your model automatically because one or more generated artifacts will be referenced inside the model. So to be consistent and to use constraints on the model level, you have to extend the model itself on the first place. Finally you have to transform it only once to your target artifacts.

DSL implementation at compile-time via syntax extension (Laurence Tratt)

Laurence presented the way how easily DSLs can be build with his own system and platform, Converge, which works basically by the way of statically typed macros. He also mentioned that Converge is actually used by an Indian company so the stuff was not completely academic.

Scrum Tuning: How to Make Good Scrum Implementations Better! (Jeff Sutherland)

Jeff presents a lot of surprising finding from companies which already use SCRUM. One was very interesting, because the team there was large but located in India and the US. So SCRUM was executed in parallel but the team managed to be as successful as a collocated team. He also explains how it is possible to use SCRUM for the whole company (SCRUM C).

Domain Annotations (Michael L Royle & Erik Dörnenburg)

Short presentation how to use attributes as navigation handles to traverse in an domain model then no direct path exists between the entities.

If I was going to Glasgow, I wouldn't start from here (Alistair Cockburn)

The old joke was the start for Alistair to encourage the audience to tell why agile development was not possible to them (the sub context was, someone told him that Scandinavians do not need Agile development because they already do it for their whole life). Surprisingly, one third of the audience delivers working software more than once a month, most deliver at least once in free months. The obstacles which prohibit the deployment for the rest of the projects where basically reasonable, such as a fixed change cycle of the infrastructure, contracts (such as from the government) which forbid agile development (although not internally) or the software was part of embedded systems.

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