Friday, March 07, 2008

[Pub] Enterprise Service Bus Concepts

In the current issue of the Javamagazin I've published a German article discussing the basic concepts of an Enterprise Service Bus.

At present there are many talks, discussions and investments around Enterprise Service Bus technologies. This shows that integration in software systems are still a major challenge and such projects result in a huge implementation-complexity. As a new architecture paradigm for integration problems, an ESB should reduce this complexity and enable integration-developers to develop on a abstract layer. Therefore developers can concentrate on their problem domain.

The article emplaces:
  • Problems of historical integration projects and the birthday of the ESB
  • ESB and Integration Patterns. There is a strong association between ESB and Integration patterns, rather EIP are the basic of an ESB
  • Components of an ESB, including MOM, Binding Components, Transport, Transformers, Routers and Endpoints
  • ESB and JBI?
  • Which role does an ESB play in a SOA?
At this point I want to say thank you to Alexander and Werner for their feedback. In the next issue of the Javamagazin I illustrate the concepts of an ESB by using Mule OpenSource ESB from Mulesource.

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